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Annual Report 2022

Department of Anesthesiology

Manabu Hashimoto, Aiko Ohshita, Kenya Kunimasa, Sayako Itakura, Tsuyoshi Tokitou


 In 2017, the Center of New Surgical and Endoscopic Development for Exploratory Technology (NEXT) was established to expand surgical and endoscopic activities. The operating theater, which has twelve operating rooms, is located on the fourth floor of the NEXT building. Each room is designed for laparoscopic, thoracoscopic and other minimally invasive surgeries. The intensive care unit (ICU) on the third floor has eight beds. Postoperative patients can be transferred from the operating theater by elevator directly to the ICU. Recently, complex procedures have become increasing on more seriously ill patients with coronary disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), neurological disorders, etc. In the post-anesthesia care for these patients, the ICU plays an important role. Therefore, we manage the operating theater in close cooperation with the Department of Intensive Care Medicine. The goals of the Department of Anesthesiology are to provide anesthetic care to patients with their safety being the highest priority.

The Team and What We Do

 The Department of Anesthesiology consists of five staff members (JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologists). We perform clinical work with three or four rotating residents and 15 part-time anesthesiologists. In addition, anesthesiology residents who belonged to the anesthesia training program of Teikyo University started to rotate to our department in 2018. A pre-anesthesia case presentation is held every morning to examine the cases of the day and discuss the anesthesia issues and strategies for patients with various complications. In the old operating theater which had eight operating rooms, more than 3,000 surgeries were performed each year. With the increase in the number of operating rooms, the annual operation volume reached 4,700 in FY2022. The large number of operations in the head and neck surgery division and procedures involving thoracotomy for lung and esophageal cancer surgeries are the features of this hospital. Accordingly, a special anesthesia induction method for difficult airways and the one-lung ventilation technique for thoracotomy are often necessary.

Research Activities

 We have some projects:

1) Research and development of device for tracheal intubation

2) Research and development of adjustable pillow for surgical operations

3) Research for making algorithm for scheduling of operation theater


 Our department has no residents. We provide opportunities for rotating residents from other surgical divisions such as epidural anesthesia, one-lung ventilation technique for thoracotomy, and difficult airway management including fiberoptic intubation. We firmly believe that this experience is meaningful for managing postoperative patients in the ward and ICU. A Journal Club is also held every other week in addition to the daily morning conference. We support residents who seek to obtain the qualification of Registered Anesthesiologist or JSA Qualified Anesthesiologist during rotation periods.

List of papers published in 2022


1. Ito M, Hoshino K, Takashima R, Suzuki M, Hashimoto M, Fujii H. Does case-mix classification affect predictions? A machine learning algorithm for surgical duration estimation. Healthcare Analytics, 2:100119, 2022