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Message from the Director

The Center for Cancer Control and Information Services (CIS) is a nationally funded program established in 2006, as an essential part of NCC’s extramural activities.
The mission statement of the CIS is as follows: ”The Center for Cancer Control and Information Services provides information needed to promote comprehensive and systematic cancer control program in Japan.” In collaboration with designated cancer care hospitals, the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare and other relevant Ministries, the Center plays a central role in the planning, management and evaluation of nation-wide cancer control programs, through promotion of specialized, multidisciplinary and comprehensive cancer research, coordination of training and information dissemination, and support of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer and the continuing care of cancer patients and their families.
Since its inception, the CIS has been providing comprehensive, scientifically based, unbiased information to patients, their families, and the general public about all aspects of living with cancer, via the CIS website ( http://ganjoho.jp/ [Link to CIS website.] ) as well as other dissemination channels. The CIS also provides physicians and other health professionals, with up-to-date information on early detection, diagnosis, treatment, care, cancer research, clinical trials and cancer statistics, via our various information channels and professional training programs.
To ensure that we remain relevant to the needs and perspectives of patients, their families, healthcare professionals, and the general public, we are committed to facilitating the participation of all of these stakeholders in shaping both what information we provide, and how this is delivered. In formulating our key publications, we have sought active input from our on-going nationwide panel of cancer patients as well as specialist review boards. The CIS Advisory Board, representing both healthcare professionals and patient advocacy organizations, has also been proactive in helping the CIS prioritize its efforts. We will firmly grasp every opportunity to improve our services and we truly appreciate your continued support.
Fumihiko Wakao, M.D
Center for Cancer Control and Information Services