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Webinar for “Russo -Japanese Joint Symposium”

December 23, 2021

in Japanese

Co-hosted by the Russian Association of Gerontologists and Geriatricians, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, and the Russian Gerontology Clinical Research Center, the 4th All-Russia Forum, “Russia-Care Area: to feel, which is to live,” was held online 11-12 November.
Yuichiro Tsukada - Assistant Chief, Department of Colorectal Surgery, NCC Hospital East was invited to one of the programs, “Russo-Japanese Joint Online Symposium: Comprehensive Approach for Older Patients with Cancer” and delivered a lecture on “Minimally invasive surgery for older patients with colorectal cancer.”
Having Dr Olga Tkacheva, President of the Russian Association of Gerontologists and Geriatricians, as a moderator and Dr Petr Tsarkov, Honorary President of the Russian Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ROKH), as a speaker on Russian side, three other specialists from Japan including Dr Hidenori Arai, President of National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG), were also invited to give lectures and shared their expertise. The number of participants exceeded 250 at the most, indicating a high level of interest in the theme of "improving the quality of life for the elderly" in Russia.

Юичиро Цукада прочитал онлайн-лекцию в IV Всероссийском форумe ≪Россия - территория заботы≫

11-12 ноября в России прошол IV Всероссийский форум ≪Россия - территория заботы≫, и Юичиро Цукада, колоректальный хирург Восточной больницы Национального онкологического центра, принял участиe онлайн. В рамках Фoрума состоялся Российско-японский симпозиум “Всесторонний подход к пожилому пациенту с раком” и Цукада прочитал лекцию по минимально инвазивнoй хирургии для пожилых пациентов с колоректальным раком.

Данный Форум был организован Минздравом России, Минтрудом России, РНИМУ им. Н.И.Пирогова, РГНКЦ и РАГГ.

  • Dr Tkacheva and Dr Tsukada

    Dr Tkacheva (left)         Dr Tsukada (right)

  • Lecture Slide image

    Lecture Slide

Qanda image


Clockwise from top left: Dr Hisayuki Miura (Director, the dept. of At-home support, NCGG),
Dr Tkacheva, 
Dr Tsarkov, Dr Tsukada and Dr Keisuke Maeda (Chief, the dept. of Geriatric Medicine, NCGG)