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Message from the Director

in Japanese


Since its establishment, the National Cancer Center Hospital East has served as the nation's flagship for cancer care and research. With a mission to provide world-class cancer treatment and develop innovative world-class cancer care, we strive to deliver cutting-edge care to patients as promptly as possible. As a “Clinical Research Core Hospital,” “Designated Core Hospital for Cancer Genomic Medicine,” “Medical Devices Innovation Network Center,” and “Center for Advancing Translational Research,” Hospital East advances development in collaboration with the Exploratory Oncology Research & Clinical Trial Center (EPOC), located on the same premises. The Hospital East is also collaborating with the Kashiwa Campuses of the University of Tokyo and Chiba University, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Kashiwa City, and numerous companies. A medical development ecosystem is being established to support startups and bio ventures that create new healthcare services based on the needs of the medical field.

Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, we have maintained our medical treatment and research functions at a high level, thanks to the cooperation of neighboring medical institutions and our dedicated hospital staff. Currently, alongside gene panel testing, we focus on precision medicine, utilizing state-of-the-art testing technologies for proteins and cells, and additionally, development of new drugs, including cell therapy, gene therapy, regenerative medicine, and radiopharmaceuticals. The NEXT Medical Device Innovation Center drives the development of next-generation medical devices in the surgical field. This includes robot-assisted surgery, AI, and surgical support and education systems leveraging high-speed communication technology.

To ensure the delivery of the latest medical care to as many patients as possible, we provide optimal support for each patient from the time of initial consultation. This is offered in collaboration with the Supportive Care Center and LIFE Support Center, both supported by a multidisciplinary team. In addition to doctors, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, physical therapists and genetic counselors, our team includes other professionals dedicated to providing comprehensive care. Responding to your feedback, we established the Hospitalization Preparation Center, Pharmacy Outpatient Services and Oncology Outpatient Nursing Consultations to ensure that you can receive the latest medical care with peace of mind. To better accommodate patients, including those from abroad or undergoing outpatient treatment, we have partnered with a private hotel specially opened in response to our invitation on the hospital premises. Additionally, we integrated digital medical equipment to virtually extend the hospital's functions to this hotel, ensuring patients are connected to the Hospital East.

Cancer research is rapidly advancing. Issues such as drug lag and loss due to delays in medical infrastructure evolution underscore the need for drastic changes in medical care. Regardless of the challenges ahead, guided by the principle of patient-centered medicine, our entire staff remains committed to making utmost efforts under the new team. Our goal is to deliver the latest advances in medicine to patients as swiftly as possible.

Dr. Toshihiko Doi, M.D., Ph.D.
National Cancer Center Hospital East