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Certified Nurse Curriculum

Toshirou Nishida, Asuko Sekimoto

Curriculum for certified nurses

In March 2015, 18 students of the secondgeneration class completed the accredited curriculum (palliative care), and 16 students passed the certified nurse qualification examination sponsored by the Japanese Nursing Association. Consequently, 27 students, including the students of the inaugural class, registered as palliative care certified nurses in July 2015.

In July 2015, 22 students entered our nursing institute, and are presently in the third-generation class.

In October 2015, 22 students of the fourthgeneration class passed the entrance examination at the competition ratio of 1.5 (compared to 1.2 last year).

Since April, 2015, our institute has improved as a means of education that aims toward the practice of well-grounded cancer chemotherapy nursing and as a point of feedback to a system in cutting-edge fields in cancer medical research. On November 10, 2015, we were authorized by the Japanese Nursing Association as a certified nurse educational institution (cancer chemotherapy nursing), and thereafter, started admitting trainees to our institute in December. Eleven applied for the entrance exam, which has a quota of 15, and eight applicants passed.

In February 2015, the follow-up training for the first graduating class was held, and 80 people, including certified nurses of the hospital, participated.

Image for the future

Through our curricula, we shall improve on the latest and professional knowledge, as well as improve skills for cancer medical care and cancer nursing and provide further contributions to reflect our in-service education, its procedure, and the system concerned. We shall introduce our current certified nurse curriculum to society to help secure staff resources as well as support for future career development.