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Annual Report 2021

Total Quality Management Center

Tomohiko Aso, Toshihiro Ishihara, Yoshiaki Miyazaki, Tomohiko Katou, Okano Makoto, Asuko Sekimoto, Touru Akagi, Chiaki Hayashi, Youko Nakahama


 On June 1, 2021, the Total Quality Management Center was established within the organizational structure of the Central Hospital. Its purpose is to engage in cross-organizational improvement activities that contribute to improving the quality of healthcare, the workplace environment, and patient satisfaction.

The Team and What We Do

(I) Problem Analysis and Response Team for Patient Flow: Issues related to patient flow lines were analyzed and improvements were made, including to waiting times.

(II) Patient-Oriented Response Team for Coexistence with the Coronavirus: The patients’ perspective regarding coexisting with the coronavirus were addressed to the greatest extent possible.

(III) Promotion and Enhancement of Public Relations Team: Regarding the enhancement of public relations promotion, support from the patients’ perspective was considered and addressed.

(IV) Vendor Access Monitoring System Introduction Team: The introduction of a vendor entry/exit monitoring system was discussed.

Research activities

 (I) The “Problem Analysis and Response Team for Patient Flow” analyzed patient waiting times and coordinated with related departments (expanding the number of early blood collection slots, moving up the opening hours and early morning blood collection reception time, adding 5 beds to the outpatient treatment center, and using shared consultation services) to reduce waiting times and avoid having crowded waiting areas. (II) The “Patient-Oriented Response Team for Coexistence with the Coronavirus” set up hand sanitizer stands in the flow lines of patients and staff and managed the amount of alcohol used. (III) The “Promotion and Enhancement of Public Relations Team” continued to support public relations from the patients’ perspective by creating videos to explain examinations and examining digital signage operation. (IV) The “Vendor Access Monitoring System Introduction Team” aims to manage outside vendors' access to operating rooms (procurement, general affairs, public relations, and educational collaboration). It was introduced after coordination with related offices, resulting in the establishment of a smooth management system (paperless operation, visit management status confirmation, vendor contact management).

 In addition, the TQM Center proactively responded to projects that needed to be continued the identification of Cancer Research Center Quality Control activities and to requests for cooperation from other committees (e.g., the Patient Service Improvement Committee).

Future Prospects

 Promote comprehensive quality management and operation of the hospital utilizing QIs (Quality Indicators) at the Central Hospital through smooth operation of the TQM Center by deliberating on the TQM Center's activity policy and other important matters, and sharing information appropriately.