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Home > Organization > Division of Cancer Immunology(Kashiwa) > Collaborative research

Collaborative research

Our research aims at clarifying the immune suppressive network in tumor microenvironment by integrating the study of basic science, genomics, metabolisms, and omics analysis of every kind, and advance the development of novel immunotherapy. We mainly explore regulatory T (Treg) cells, which are essential for tumor development and growth by inhibiting anti-tumor immune responses.

Using clinical samples including tumors, tumor-infiltrated lymphocytes and peripheral blood obtained from cancer patients pre-, during and post-treatment cancer therapy, we perform the comprehensive immune-monitoring analyzing immune cell function such as cytokine/chemokine production, protein array for antibody responses, tumor DNA/RNA and transcriptome, and immune cell phenotypes using flow cytometry, mass spectrometry (CyTOF), and single-cell RNAseq analysis. We have already stored over three hundreds of clinical samples from multiple cancer types.
