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Institute for Cancer Control

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Division of Cancer Information Service

The Division of Cancer Information Service provides reliable and easy-to-understand information about cancer.


The Division of Cancer Information Service is engaged in activities related to the establishment and maintenance of a system for the provision of cancer information, with three main activities related to the creation of cancer-related information for the general public and medical professionals, support for its utilization, and nationwide dissemination/equalization. It also conducts activities related to tobacco policy recommendations and information creation.

- Creation of cancer information content and development of a system for rapid needs collection, creation, evaluation, and updating of cancer information.

- Expanding the environment for using reliable cancer information and providing education and support for their use.

- Dissemination of cancer information and support for public relations and networking in Japan.

- Activities for the equalization of cancer information and consultation support systems in Japan.

- Support for tobacco control policies and activities for the creation of tobacco-related information.


Building a system for the creation of cancer information content

Creation and updating of cancer information content

  1. Creating content for the cancer information service website

Reliable information on cancer is updated, and new content on cancer information is expanded and updated as needed.

Cancer Information Service

  1. Creation of booklets, books, and leaflets on cancer-related information

We are developing and producing information booklets to be posted on the Cancer Information Service website, books with reliable cancer information, and leaflets for dissemination and awareness.

The information is also provided to the Cancer Information Service as PDF files.

Cancer booklets

Books for the general public

3) Creation and expansion of content differently-abled people (visually impaired)

We created audio content and supported the creation of cancer information materials translated into Braille in collaboration with the Information Center for Persons with Visual Impairment and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Sakai Health and Welfare Plaza. We distributed them through “ganjoho.jp” and the Cancer Information and Support Centers.

The National Cancer Center and Information Center for Persons with Visual Impairment and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Sakai Health and Welfare Plaza, signed an agreement on October 3, 2012, to cooperate and collaborate in the dissemination of cancer medical information.

Audio and Braille materials


4) Expansion of the cancer information service website system and implementation of new information provision methods

We are updating the Cancer Information Service website to make it easier for users to find information; we are also updating and expanding the cancer information provision system (clinical trial search system, etc.). Based on a survey regarding the current needs for cancer-related information, we have utilized the latest information technology to further enhance the provision of cancer information through media other than text.

Activities as part of the cancer information creation infrastructure

  1. Operation of the Patient-Public Panel

Every year, we recruit "cancer control supporters" who have experienced cancer or are interested in cancer control activities nationwide, and invite 100 "patient-public panels" to cooperate in the activities of the Cancer Information Service. For example, the panel evaluates the contents of the cancer information service and participates in planning activities from a user perspective. Through the activities and operation of the Patient-Public Panel Office, which provides support for the dissemination and utilization of cancer information, we are working to make as many people as possible aware of the activities of the National Cancer Center and cancer control in Japan.

Patient-Public Panel

  1. Operation of the Cancer Information Service Expert Panel

To develop cancer-related information that contributes to the promotion of cancer control, the panel discusses the creation, updating, and dissemination of better cancer-related content in line with the current situation nationwide with panel members from outside the National Cancer Center.

Cancer information service expert panel

  1. Operation of the Cancer Information Editorial Committee

All information disseminated by the Cancer Information Service Division is created, checked, and evaluated by the Cancer Information Editorial Committee based on the editorial policy and criteria of the Cancer Information Service for linking to external websites.

Website Creation (Editorial Policy, Link Criteria, etc.)

  1. Operation of the Cancer Information Creation Committee

Before proceeding to confirmation by the Cancer Information Editorial Committee, the planning, creation, editing, and publication of information were examined. It also operates the Secretariat of the Cancer Information Editorial Committee.

Provide education and support for cancer information utilization

Expansion of the environment for using cancer information

  1. Providing materials for dissemination and awareness-raising

We are working to make cancer-related booklets and books available at hospitals and libraries nationwide.

Cancer booklets

Books for the general public

  1. Expanding the environment for using cancer booklets

To make cancer booklets more widely available, the Cancer Information Service Publication Ordering System (started in February 2012) is available for ordering from designated cancer-care hospitals.

Information on the Cancer Information Service Publication Ordering System

  1. Public library donations of cancer booklets and flyers

We are promoting the "Cancer Information Gift Project" to donate sets of cancer booklets and other materials to public libraries so that anyone can obtain reliable cancer information at any time in their daily lives. Donations were collected from people all over Japan, and by June 2021, the sets had been donated to 505 libraries nationwide.

The "Cancer Information Gift" Project to support content creation and deliver gifts


Activities and support for reliable information provision and consultation support

  1. Providing training programs for Cancer Information Support Center counselors

It is a requirement for designated Cancer care hospitals that the consultants of the Cancer Information Support Center have to receive training sessions by the National Cancer Center Institute for Cancer Control. The Division of Cancer Information Service is responsible for planning and providing such training. In addition, with the cooperation of the panel of experts for the training of cancer specialist counselors, we provide training programs that meet the needs of people affected by cancer and evaluate them.

Cancer Consultation Support

Expert panel for training counselors at the Cancer Information Support Center

  1. Information support education for cancer counselors

Since September 2011, we have been operating the Cancer Information Service Support Center (a service for providing cancer information and consultation by telephone).

The Cancer Information Service Support Center provides information on standard cancer treatment and cancer in general, and offers various consultations on medical treatment based on reliable information sources such as cancer information services and clinical practice guidelines. The consultation services here are used to improve the quality of information disseminated by the Cancer Information Service and are also a part of the training programs for counselors. In addition, the center cooperates with cancer-related academic organizations when requested for projects and research activities that contribute to cancer control.

- Information on the Cancer Information Service Support Center.

Support for the dissemination of cancer information, public relations, and networking

Promotion of cancer information and networking

1) Cancer consultation support forums and open seminars by regional blocks

Each prefecture has established a Cancer Control Promotion Plan, and also promotes cancer control activities. To achieve the goal of equalizing cancer-care and information so that people living anywhere in Japan can receive the same quality of medical care and information, it is essential to conduct activities not only on a prefectural basis but also on a broader scale beyond prefectures and on a nationwide basis. The Division of Cancer Information Service provides support for the planning and operation of regional cancer consultation support forums to help build a network of cancer consultation support centers in a wider area and to inform citizens hrough collaboration with institutions and companies interested in cancer control activities

We have concluded comprehensive cooperation agreements with companies and are conducting activities to promote the dissemination and awareness of cancer information.

Activities for the nationwide standardization of cancer information and consultation support systems

1) Cancer Information and Consultation Support Subcommittee of the Prefectural Designated Cancer Care Hospitals

The information provision and consultation support subcommittee of the Coordinating Council of Prefectural Designated Cancer Care Center Hospitals was established on November 27, 2012, with the aim of strengthening the functions and improving the quality of the information provision and consultation support systems implemented at the designated cancer-care hospitals.

The Division of Cancer Information Service serves as the secretariat of this subcommittee.

- Cancer Information and Consultation Support Subcommittee of the Prefectural Designated Cancer Care Hospitals

Support for tobacco control policies and activities for the creation of tobacco-related information

To create a society that protects the community’s health from tobacco, we collect, analyze, and evaluate a variety of information on tobacco and prepares, provides, and disseminates information based on this information. We also conduct research and studies and provides technical support to promote tobacco control policies.