トップページ > Department of Strategic Programs

Department of Strategic Programs

Translational researches aimed for "Conquer and Cure Cancer (3C)" are conducted in the Exploratory Oncology Research & Clinical Trial Center (EPOC). The Department of Strategic Programs will improve the quality of research by establishing an appropriate quality control system for research facilities, an education system for researchers, and an appropriate quality control system for research samples. We manage several EPOC projects, which are project-type researches composed by multiple basic and clinical departments that aim to achieve clinical goals. "Section of Liaisons for Translational Research", "Section of Seeds Selections and Evaluations", "Section of Project Managements", "Section of Public Relations for Translational Research", and "Section of Educations and Career Developments for Translational Research" are established in the Department in order to disseminate various medical seeds through collaboration with domestic/overseas academia/companies to the world from EPOC and the Center for Promotion of Translational Research (CPOT). We also manage the developments of medical seeds and career developments of project managers.