トップページ > 共通部門のご案内 > 放射線技術部 > 放射線技術部の研究・業績



  • 放射線技師の放射線災害に関する能力とリテラシーに関する実態調査
  • Spectral CTを用いた悪性腫瘍の診断に関する基礎的研究
  • 線量管理システムを利用した患者への線量情報共有に関する研究
  • マルチプラズマエア空気清浄機による空中浮遊菌低減効果の検証
  • 内用療法に伴う高精度セラノスティクスの開発研究.
  • MR画像誘導放射線治療に関する研究
  • Adaptive治療に関する研究



  1. Urikura A, Yoshida T, Matsubara K, Nomura K, Hoshino T, Takagi T. Number of computed tomography scanners and regional disparities based on population and medical resources in Japan. Radiol Phys Technol. 2023 May 18.
  2. Grainger AT, Hasegawa A, Krishnaraj A. Determination of lower radiation dose limit for automatic measurement of adipose tissue. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 May;24(5):e13958.
  3. Nakayama H, Okamoto H, Nakamura S, Iijima K, Chiba T, Takemori M, Nakaichi T, Mikasa S, Fujii K, Sakasai T, Kuwahara J, Miura Y, Fujiyama D, Tsunoda Y, Hanzawa T, Igaki H, Chang W. Film measurement and analytical approach for assessing treatment accuracy and latency in a magnetic resonance-guided radiotherapy system. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 19:e13915.



  1. Urikura A, Miyauchi Y, Yoshida T, Ishita Y, Takiguchi K, Endo M, Aramaki T. Patient dose increase caused by posteroanterior CT localizer radiographs. Radiography (Lond). 2023 27;29(2):334-339.
  2. Koretsune Y, Sone M, Sugawara S, Wakatsuki Y, Ishihara T, Hattori C, Fujisawa Y, Kusumoto M. Validation of a convolutional neural network for the automated creation of curved planar reconstruction images along the main pancreatic duct. Jpn J Radiol. 2023 41(2):228-234.
  3. Kon M, Okamoto H, Nakamura S, Iijima K, Chiba T, Takemori M, Nakayama H, Nakaichi T, Mikasa S, Fujii K, Urago Y, Ishikawa M, Sofue T, Katsuta S, Inaba K, Igaki H, Aso T. Planning study: prone versus supine position for stereotactic body radiotherapy in prostate by CyberKnife. J Radiat Res. 2023 Jan 20;64(1):186-194.
  4. Takemori M, Nakamura S, Sofue T, Ito M, Goka T, Miura Y, Iijima K, Chiba T, Nakayama H, Nakaichi T, Mikasa S, Takano Y, Kon M, Shuto Y, Urago Y, Nishitani M, Kashihara T, Takahashi K, Murakami N, Nishio T, Okamoto H, Chang W, Igaki H. Failure modes and effects analysis study for accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Med Phys. 2023 50(1):424-439.
  5. Arai T, Murata S, Watanabe Y, Ishihara T, Fukamizu Y, Takeda S, Ebata K, Watanabe Y, Takashima Y, Kaneko J. Fact-finding survey on the competencies and literacy of radiological technologists regarding radiation disasters. J Xray Sci Technol. 2023;31(2):237-245.
  6. Urikura A, Yoshida T, Endo M, Asakura K, Sato R, Saiga A, Moriguchi M, Nakashima K, Aramaki T. Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography: Three cases of low-tube-voltage acquisition with a slow injection of contrast medium. Acta Radiol Open. 2022 14;11(10):20584601221131476.
  7. Okamoto H, Igaki H, Chiba T, Shibuya K, Sakasai T, Jingu K, Inaba K, Kuroda K, Aoki S, Tatsumi D, Nakamura M, Kadoya N, Furuyama Y, Kumazaki Y, Tohyama N, Tsuneda M, Nishioka S, Itami J, Onishi H, Shigematsu N, Uno T. Practical guidelines of online MR-guided adaptive radiotherapy. J Radiat Res. 2022 21;63(5):730-740.
  8. Miyazaki Y, Shimizu J, Kubo Y, Tabata N, Aso T. Quantitative classification of invasive and noninvasive breast cancer using dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary gland. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2022 5;12:45.
  9. Nishioka S, Okamoto H, Chiba T, Sakasai T, Okuma K, Kuwahara J, Fujiyama D, Nakamura S, Iijima K, Nakayama H, Takemori M, Tsunoda Y, Kaga K, Igaki H. Identifying risk characteristics using failure mode and effect analysis for risk management in online magnetic resonance-guided adaptive radiation therapy. Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2022 6;23:1-7.
  10. Hasegawa A, Ishihara T, Pan T, Ropp AM, Winkler M, Sneider MB. Impact of pixel value truncation on image quality of low dose chest CT. Med Phys. 2022 49(5):2979-2994.
  11. Ishita Y, Urikura A, Yoshida T, Takiguchi K, Ikegaya M. Inaccurate table height setting affects the organ-specific radiation dose in computed tomography. Eur J Radiol. 2022;151:110317.
  12. Nakaichi T, Okamoto H, Kon M, Takaso K, Aikawa A, Nakamura S, Ijima K, Chiba T, Nakayama H, Takemori M, Mikasa S, Fujii K, Urago Y, Goka T, Shimizu Y, Igaki H. Commissioning and performance evaluation of commercially available mobile imager for image guided total body irradiation. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 26:e13865.


  1. 瓜倉厚志.基本的なCT撮像の再考.特集2 がん・常識は変わる~進化する医療と進歩する技術~RadFan 2023:21(2):65-49.
  2. 石原敏裕.がん診療に求めるCT技術.インナービジョン.37(10): 54–57. 2022.
  3. 瓜倉厚志.腹部領域における価値.インナービジョン.37(10): 32–36. 2022.
  4. 石井郁也.CT画像をIVRで活かす - 撮影・画像処理の創意工夫 -.37(10): 18–22. 2022.
  5. 宮前裕太.誌上口座3ディープラーニングとX線CT(AI活用術)1.日本診療放射線技師会誌.69(829):223–228.
  6. 宮前裕太.Deep Learning-based Reconstructionを用いたX線CT画像の画質特性評価および患者の被ばく線量低減の可能性について.医療の広場.63(3):15–18.
  7. 瓜倉厚志.非剛体サブトラクションCTを用いたiodine imageの定量性と臨床応用.日獨医報 2022; 66(1): 25-37.